Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Do you REALLY want to know what your dreams are saying?

Some new dreams symbols to add to your book.
My house is surrounded by Army patrols. Two of them with black paint under the eyes are looking in my upstairs bedroom window. They weren’t scary to me. They were annoying. “Get out of here,” I am thinking.
My friend says he will stay with me. He represents STRENGTH to me. Thus I am feeling relieved and stronger. When I go outside there is all kinds of Army equipment, like they are readying for a war. It is also in my neighbor’s yard and I am yelling at them to get this stuff out of here.
This dream is speaking of the dreamer’s feeling of readiness to go to battle. The battle is whatever it is she is battling. The dream is also stating that she has strength. There is resistance to having to stage up for the battle. She finds the whole practice to be annoying. There is something in her that doesn’t believe this is necessary. This dreamer is very into spiritual practice and relays her annoyance with all the media hype over the economy etc. .
In her estimation, she admits, I have too much drama in my thinking. At the same time, she knows a new way (represented by the baby). Yes, there is progress and that is about it for dreams for today. Sweet dreams to all of you! If you have a dream that need interpreting, let me know. Thanks! Jean
Note: Many people consider dreams frivolous and crazy. That is because they don't know the "dream" language. Fortunately for Joseph of the Technicolor dream coat genre the Egyptian Pharaoh believed dreams were important. Thus he employed David to interpret his dreams which proved to have far reaching implications for these interpretations allowed him to prepare for a seven year famine. Because of his foresight, he was able to save his people from disaster. We may not be facing such a threat. Yet we have our own dilemmas and dreams can be instrumental in preparing us to make necessary changes to transform our lives.
On my website: there is a place to register your dreams and receive a proper interpretation. Feel free to go there for the insight you desire. The interesting thing about dreams is "they never lie." Thus your dreams are a commentary on your thinking and your life and they say it like it is. They are forthright, honest, objective and non-judgmental.
Do you have a strange dream that you want interpreted? I will do it for you. Go to and click on "dream interpretation." Follow the prompts. Thanks! Jean Walters

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